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Aesop Parsley Seed Eye Serum

Aesop Parsley Seed Eye Serum
Team LF
Writer and expert5 years ago
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Simple, effective eye care with the Aesop parsley seed eye serum

Fans of the Aesop brand will instantly be won over by the Aesop parsley seed eye serum, but for anyone who hasn’t yet experienced Aesop’s treatment range, the price tag of this eye serum might mean they need a little convincing. Hopefully, our own expert verdict, coupled with so many rave reviews online, should help persuade any doubters.

What’s so special about the Aesop parsley seed eye serum?

The area below our eyes is a complex part of our face, and it needs special care to look its best. All too often, this area lets us down, with tired, dry skin and fine lines, or puffy, dark circles. Too many late nights or days spent in front of a computer, and the effects are magnified. Before we know it, we’ve become accustomed to a slight premature ageing around our eyes, and from there, it’s easy to assume that there’s nothing we can do about these problems.

If your eyes are getting you down like this, the good news is that there is plenty you can do to improve things, and one of the best products to try is the Aesop parsley seed eye serum. As with all Aesop products, it’s packed with clever botanicals that work in harmony with one another to produce genuine, long-lasting results.

This concentrated eye serum combines vitamins B, C and E with potent antioxidants, to re-hydrate the skin and protect it from the harshness of our daily lives - stuffy, air-conditioned offices, traffic pollution, sunlight and wind are just some of the things that can affect our skin. Vitamin C will help lessen those dark circles around your eyes, leaving them brighter and more energised. Vitamin E will hydrate and plump tired skin, making it look fresher and younger.  Other ingredients include lavender, chamomile, carrot seed, grapefruit seed, and of course, parsley seed extract. All of these natural botanicals combine to hydrate, soothe and calm the area around your eyes, leaving it smoother, plumper and more radiant.

This serum isn’t in the least bit oily or greasy, and it penetrates the skin quickly and easily, so you can apply moisturiser and makeup over the top of it. Presented in an amber dropper bottle, this product looks every inch the traditional remedy. It doesn’t claim to be an instant fix, and you should be prepared to give the Aesop parsley seed eye serum a reasonable time to really notice its effects. Sometimes, though, the best things are worth waiting for, and a steady, long-lasting improvement is worth more than a one-day wonder.

We suggest trying the Aesop parsley seed eye serum as part of an all-round switch to Aesop products, to get the best from the Aesop experience.


Team LF
Writer and expert
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